This is of course the most important tangible benefit of insurance – to provide financial recompense in the event of the worst happening, where there is a valid claim under the terms of a policy.
If you have a claim, you want to know that it will be handled with care and attention. That’s where we come in. We make sure that claims are handled effectively and efficiently.
We do all we can to ensure that valid claims are dealt with fairly and swiftly by insurers. At the same time our clients must do all that is required of them under the terms of their policy. All insurance policies contain requirements relating to the notification of claims, and we ask our clients to familiarise themselves with these.
Here are some of the key general issues you should bear in mind to assist with the smooth handling of claims:-
- Notify us immediately by telephone on 0131-554-1510 of any event which could give rise to a claim under a policy arranged with us. Do not delay until you have documents such as estimates, these can follow later.
- Notify the police immediately of any loss/damage due to Theft, Attempted Theft, Assault or Attack on any Person, Malicious Damage, or if anyone is injured in a Road Traffic Accident. Always obtain a crime reference number.
- Never admit liability or make an offer of payment to a third party without the prior consent of your insurer.
- Do not proceed with any repairs without the prior consent of your insurer (other than any essential emergency repairs required to mitigate further loss or damage).
- Do not respond to any contact made by a third party or agent acting on their behalf, and immediately forward to us any notice of claim or similar documentation received from them.
Remember : unless otherwise specified, notification of claims should be made via Jeffery Associates, immediately.